You go through the toughest selection procedures, train for years and spend many weekends away from home while your high school buddies are living the life.
All this for only one goal: to be a special forces operative entrusted with special missions.
The “joys” of this profession, however, are less about being in combat and getting an adrenaline kick:
Before you go into combat, you feel the pride and honor of serving in your country’s best military unit. You feel lucky, because you have the best buddies in the world who will give their lives to save yours, without the slightest hesitation.
As a proud professional, you prepare yourself thoroughly for every mission. You revel in the excitement before the action. You look around and marvel at all the support units, hundreds of people, whose only job is to assist you. Their commitment is critical to the mission’s success. They root for you!
During the last mission briefing, a thought crosses your mind: “This is it! This is where I always wanted to be, what I always wanted to do!

Special forces before a HALO (high altitude, low opening) jump
Then you enter the plane or the helicopter that brings you to the place of action. You are scared, everyone is, but your training and the company of your buddies have the most calming effect on you. You are functioning like a well oiled machine. You are almost surprised with yourself how cool and levelheaded you are.
The tension mounts as you approach the target. Little treacherous doubts will enter your mind: “Are we really that well prepared? Have we forgotten anything?” What if..?” A look at the confident faces of your comrades and you discard these thoughts.
The actual mission is over before you even realize it. A few minutes of intense combat and back you go. No time to feel or enjoy anything.
After a successful mission you will feel pure joy. Still, you are a professional and there won’t be more celebration than a few “high fives” and some “well done!” talk. After all, you are special forces and this was your job.
It can’t get any better. What kind of soldier wouldn’t enjoy all this?