Is the U.S. Navy a match for the Russian Carrier Admiral Kuznetsov?

Not that long ago (15 - 20 years) the US dispatched the 6th fleet to the Mediterranean with the instructions to shadow the Admiral Kuznetsov. That was not so the US could keep track of it, believe me, its not hard to figure out where that mazut burning, smoke belching monstrosity is. But, rather, they were there because the US was afraid the Admiral Kuznetsov would sink and the US was prepared to perform a rescue mission for the crew.

The Admiral Kuznetsov carries ”realistically” about 30 low performance aircraft, if they push it they might have as many as 50 aircraft, about half being helicopters. The Admiral Kuznetsov has no launch capabilities, it uses a “ski jump” bow to help aircraft to be able to fly, these aircraft can not carry full weapon or fuel loads, makes them too heavy to take off.

A Nimitz or Ford class are at a minimum 6 knots faster, the normal complement of aircraft is 65–70 aircraft, thats fixed wing, high performance, the best aircraft the US has. and if they really push it the can operate over 90 aircraft. The US uses catapults (Nimitz has steam powered, Ford has electromagnetic) to ensure the aircraft reach flying speed, even with full fuel and weapon loads, and even extra fuel in the form of drop tank. Currently the US is operating 10 Nimitz and 1 Ford class and have 2 Fords under construction.

I think the only fear the US has of the Admiral Kuznetsov is the environmental damage it does wherever it goes.

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